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Our Full Range of Vision

Envision is a forward-looking nonprofit organization that restores sight to lives dimmed by blindness and loss of vision. Always on the forefront of new technology, Envision heads up the only eye bank in Idaho—one of only 70 in the entire US—to serve the sightless worldwide. We turn our focus to our local community, too. Often free of charge, we offer vision and hearing screenings, assistance, and support to help Idahoans of all ages reach their full potential. An Idaho legacy for 50 years and counting, Envision changes the way people around the world see future possibilities.

What your donation provides

Every $50 donated provides an eye exam with a pair of glasses

Every $200 donated provides a hearing aid

Every $1000 donated restores eye sight to someone that suffers from corneal blindness

A growing unmet need

Envision has historically relied upon income from the Eye Bank and small event fundraisers to provide the funding for its assistance programs and humanitarian outreach. Even with our history of careful and conservative financial management, the current revenue is inadequate to either increase our humanitarian outreach or expand our corneal transplants without sacrificing the work of the other.

An enhanced endowment will not only enable Envision to fulfill its mission as a high quality provider of sight and hearing assistance, but will also help to position the organization to achieve its long-term goal of establishing a state-of-the-art eye institute to serve the people of the region.

By establishing this endowment, we will expand critical surgical services and health screenings to meet more of the need in our region while allowing the corneal transplant side of Envision to grow and prosper.

The long-term effect of a significant endowment would be to expand and strengthen both eye bank and humanitarian outreach, thereby touching the lives of many more of those in severe need.